Use "idiosyncrasy|idiosyncrasies" in a sentence

1. Eating no meat was Amy's idiosyncrasy.

2. I adjusted to my husband's many idiosyncrasies.

3. A distinctive behavioral trait; an idiosyncrasy.

4. One of her idiosyncrasies is keeping pet dog.

5. The book is a gem of Victorian idiosyncrasy.

6. Every village has its idiosyncrasy and its constitution.

7. But he called it an “idiosyncrasy of nature.”

8. They also cannot take the dynamic idiosyncrasy of recognizer into account.

9. It was his idiosyncrasy to seem much older than his years.

10. Wearing a raincoat, even on a hot day, is one of her idiosyncrasies.

11. Every village has its idiosyncrasy, its constitution , often its own code of morality.

12. With an idiosyncrasy thateasyto recognize you would find a familiar but refreshing world!

13. Idiosyncrasy and vicissitude had combined to stamp Sergeant Troy as an exceptional being.

14. Perhaps the intense loyalty that these firms inspire is just an interesting idiosyncrasy.

15. Romantic fanciful thoughts and connotative and elegant idiosyncrasy unfold rich an tender feeling.

16. There are good pedagogic reasons for avoiding idiomatic idiosyncrasy of this kind.

17. There were others who remarked that even saints should be permitted an idiosyncrasy or two!

18. Abnormality: noun aberration , anomaly , curiosity , deformity , deviation , divergence , erraticism, exception , idiosyncrasy , irregularity , malformation

19. She often cracks her knuckles when she's speaking - it's one of her little idiosyncrasies.

20. Synonyms for Crotchets include eccentricity, caprices, fancies, idiosyncrasies, kink, notions, quirks, twists, vagaries and whim

21. True, some might test our patience with the idiosyncrasies and foibles that are not uncommon to old age.

22. Despite all their idiosyncrasies, a dysfunctional family's lives all revolve around their blue cattle dog, Bonza

23. Synonyms for Atypicality include irregularity, abnormality, peculiarity, anomaly, deviation, aberration, eccentricity, oddity, divergence and idiosyncrasy

24. You can learn to compensate for such an idiosyncrasy with a little logic and discipline.

25. 26 But then she also spends some time persuading the audience to laugh at her own idiosyncrasies and rather portly shape.

26. When they study other topics, their sexuality tends to be interpreted as an idiosyncrasy which does not affect their work.

27. As Lyman and Scott explain: Free territory is carved out of space and affords the opportunities for idiosyncrasy and identity.

28. These nifty A okay at let you create variations in your cones and bring idiosyncrasy every time you make ice cream

29. Pumice concrete after being close-grained and molding is not sensitive to maintaining conditions, and this idiosyncrasy can predigest maintaining measures and reduce lacuna.

30. Les idiosyncrasies Apprises et les données collectées de l'utilisateur peuvent être mémorisées dans une base de connaissances

31. People appear more Attractive in groups because viewing faces together makes them look more like the group average—which can help “even out” any one person’s unAttractive idiosyncrasies.

32. From one of our most respected cultural observers, What Doesn’t Kill You Makes You Blacker is a hilarious and honest debut that is both a celebration of the idiosyncrasies and distinctions of blackness and a critique of white supremacy and how we define masculinity.

33. Green appreciates and documents the individual idiosyncrasies of American businessmen, soldiers, wayward Countesses, ‘expats,’ and working-class wanderers, even while making mobility, community organization, and transcultural contacts and misunderstandings—bread and butter issues for migration historians—central themes in her very

34. Green appreciates and documents the individual idiosyncrasies of American businessmen, soldiers, wayward Countesses, ‘expats,’ and working-class wanderers, even while making mobility, community organization, and transcultural contacts and misunderstandings―bread and butter issues for migration historians―central themes in her very

35. From one of our most respected cultural observers, What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Blacker is a hilarious and honest debut that is both a celebration of the idiosyncrasies and distinctions of blackness and a critique of white supremacy and how we define masculinity.